Laurel Hill East is 78 acres and Laurel Hill West is 187 acres. Combined, they span 265-acres.
At Laurel Hill East, there are approximately over 75,000 souls.
At Laurel Hill West, there are approximately over 93,000 souls.
Yes, there are public restrooms.
Laurel Hill East – at the Gatehouse. There are no facilities out on the grounds.
Laurel Hill West – at the Funeral Home and Conservatory during office hours only.
Yes. We are happy to host weddings, birthday party’s, picnics, retreats etc. at the cemeteries. For more information, visit our Facilities & Rentals page or fill out our rental form on the contact page.
All requests are different and we do our best to accommodate those looking to have a wedding and/or reception.
For more information about weddings, open dates, and venue pricing, please fill out a request form.
There are approximately 3 miles of paved roads and walkways throughout the grounds of Laurel Hill East and 10 miles at Laurel Hill West that are wheelchair accessible and/or walkable. Vehicles are also permitted to drive within the cemetery.
Laurel Hill East & West are outdoor historic sites and much of our terrain is uneven and/or hilly. We also have numerous groundhog holes that are comparable in size to an adult human’s foot (so be careful when touring).
If you are attending a service, public program, or other event and would like assistance, please contact the office at (610) 668-9900 in advance of your visit and we will be happy to accommodate you. Guided tours can often be routed to stay on or near the paved roads.
Yes, learn more at Membership – Laurel Hill.
Yes, the Friends of Laurel Hill are a 501 (c)3 non-profit organization. EIN is 23-2082037.
Mail a check payable to “Friends of Laurel Hill” and send to:
Laurel Hill East
3822 Ridge Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19132
Friends events directly support the Friends of Laurel Hill, the 501(c)(3) arm of our organization whose mission is to assist the Laurel Hill Cemetery Companies in preserving and promoting the historical character of our cemeteries.
Partner Events constitute events hosted by the Cemetery Companies in support of another non-profit organization whose missions, goals, or activities align with ours.
Amateur photography is permitted for personal use only.
Special written permission for still photography, film and/or video shoots is required. Visit our Photography & Videography page for more information on our photography guidelines. If posting on social media, use the hashtag #laurelhillphl and follow our handle @laurelhillphl.
Gravestone rubbings are strictly prohibited. Many of our monuments are fragile and can easily be damaged by the pressure caused by rubbing. They’re also old and prone to tipping over without much warning. Please avoid sitting, standing or leaning on monuments. We’d much rather have you as a temporary visitor.
Yes. We encourage visitors to take advantage of our beautiful park-like setting and enjoy it with friends and family, both human and animal. Please be respectful and clean up after your pet. All pets must be leashed while inside the cemetery gates.
Yes. There are roughly thirteen miles of paved pathways throughout both cemeteries which are perfect for biking, walking, or jogging. Rural cemeteries like Laurel Hill preceded public parks and were often used for recreational activities. Today, we encourage such uses of the space.
Please keep in mind our cemeteries are still active burial grounds. We ask that you respect those who are grieving. Avoid biking or walking in the presence of a funeral procession, graveside burial, or memorial ceremony.
- The first burial at Laurel Hill East was that of Mercy Carlisle on October 21, 1836. Mercy was a humble Quaker woman who planned her own interment and in doing so, started the tradition of burials at Laurel Hill Cemetery East.
- The first burial at Laurel Hill West took place on May 21, 1870 and were two people reinterred from another cemetery — Elizabeth and Frederick Eckert.
Fame is subjective. All aspects of Philadelphia history – in fact, of American history – are represented at Laurel Hill. A Civil War buff might be impressed to hear that General George Gordon Meade is buried at Laurel Hill East, while a Phillies fan will instantly recognize the name Harry Kalas, also buried there. A soul or R&B music fan will likely want to visit the graves of Grover Washington, Jr. or Teddy Pendergrass, both buried at Laurel Hill West.
You can learn more about our notables by going to the Burial Search section on the Tours page.
Many paranormal investigations have been made over the years. The question remains open (and probably always will). Schedule a private investigation and draw your own conclusion.
No… she’s a fictional character and actress Talia Shire who played Adrian Balboa is alive and well. However, you can visit Adrian’s original prop headstone used in the films Rocky Balboa (2006) and Creed (2015). Both movies were shot at Laurel Hill East.
Other major motion pictures filmed on the grounds include Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (2009), Happy Tears (2009), Law Abiding Citizen (2009), and The Nail: The Story of Joey Nardone (2009).
A graveside service starts around $7,000 and a traditional funeral service with a visitation (viewing) and ceremonies at our facilities start between ~$8,000 and $10,000.
A traditional grave for in-ground casket burial at Laurel Hill starts at $5,500 per grave and goes up form there, depending on location in the cemetery.
Yes and no. In order to sell an existing cemetery property, first there can be no one currently buried in the property. If there are not currently any burials in the property, the property may be sold IF written, notarized authorization is obtained from all the surviving heirs of the latest surviving generation of the original lot holder (purchaser of the property).
- Our founders decided it was the most appropriate and beautiful way to exhibit the garden-style cemetery, while also ensuring enhanced care of our grounds.
- The least expensive cremation service is what is called a direct cremation, with no services of any kind. The cremation is handled and scheduled by our funeral home staff and cremated remains are returned to the family in a simple urn/box. The cost starts at $4,600.
We still have ample land at both of our cemeteries to develop, which will enable us to make available cemetery property to the families we serve for years to come.
No. Inserted in the charters for both cemeteries, it states specifically that the Management of the Cemetery Companies may never sell or use the grounds for anything other than a cemetery.
There are three costs to consider when contemplating the building of a privately owned family mausoleum: the ground the structure sits on, the structure itself, and the endowment that would need to be established to care for the mausoleum and grounds in perpetuity. Costs vary depending on the location and square footage of the property and the size and design of the mausoleum and the materials used for construction.
Only fresh (real) floral tributes are permitted. No plastic flowers or memorabilia are permitted on cemetery premises. Memorabilia includes but is not limited to: food items, boxes, shells, pebbles, balloons, toys, stuffed animals or dolls, metal designs, ornaments, decorated trees, glass, pottery or crockery, jars or containers, pictures or photographs, wood or metal cases, barriers, banners, votive lights, candles and other such articles.
For more information, read our Rules and Regulations.
The cemeteries have several sources of income, including a sizable endowment to ensure care of the grounds, buildings, and facilities in perpetuity. Additional resources are occasionally provided through bequests philanthropic contributions.