City Nature Challenge



Laurel Hill West
225 Belmont Avenue

City Nature Challenge is an annual initiative that invites people around the world to find and document wildlife in their own cities.

On April 26, join Laurel Hill community members, nature enthusiasts, iNaturalist app-o-philes and other curious individuals as we contribute to the City Nature Challenge by observing and documenting plants and animals in our green burial native plant garden, Nature’s Sanctuary. This event is for anyone who loves observing nature, with opportunities for participation for all ages and abilities.

On May 3, join naturalists, hobbyists and professionals as we learn how to identify species observed during the City Nature Challenge observation period. Bring the whole family for ID app tutorials, interactive games, basic exploration of taxonomy and classification, snacks, and conversation about the importance of biodiversity and environmental literacy. 


Observation Day
Saturday, April 26, 1:00 – 3:00 PM

Identification Day
Saturday, May 3, 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM
Learn more and register for the May 3 session here!