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Forever offering a place of beauty in which all can remember and reflect; relax and enjoy; learn and connect.

Laurel Hill’s archival collections are a unique window into the Cemetery’s history, as well as the history of our city and nation. Interment records are accessible for scholarly and genealogical research upon request.

Ticket sales help to support the Friends of Laurel Hill mission to preserve, promote, and further interpret both historic sites. We strive for excellence in programming and work to ensure a positive and memorable visitor experience.

Overlooking the Cynwyd Heritage Trail, beautifully landscaped with indigenous grasses, trees and shrubs, Nature’s Sanctuary offers families a green alternative to honor their loved one.

Valley View Green, the first green burial area at Laurel Hill East, is a peaceful quarter-acre of tall grasses and shrubs framing sweeping views of the cemetery’s historic monuments and expansive landscape.

Bala Green, the newest green burial area at Laurel Hill, has been created to incorporate nature into perpetual care.